Latest News from Aero-Tech Lab

ATTENTION ATTENTION: PLEASE READ! - Safety is & always has always been our number 1 priority to protect the well being of everyone working in the aerosol lab. The #3SB pressure filler has been used in the industry for over 50 years. Over this time span many upgrades have taken place. The safety guard, blow off valve and wire mesh is a mandatory for any #3SB Pressure Filler. If you have an existing #3SB Pressure Filler with out these components, it should be upgraded immediately. There will be no charge for labor if you would like us to do it! We urge all our clients to take advantage of this offer to protect against faulty regulators or the use of non-compatible propellants, untrained & non certified personal and other dangers that may exist. ((Now offering Stability ovens & Hot Water Baths. Made in custom sizes to order.))

Aero-Tech Laboratory Equipment Company LLC.

Aero-Tech Laboratory Equipment Company
6516A Terrapin Road
Harrison Arkansas, 72601
Phone: 870-420-3613

Aero-Tech Laboratory Equipment Company LLC is a manufacturer of precision instrumentation and equipment for aerosol development.

Aero-Tech Lab can help you engineer and design prototypes for your special applications, manufacturing and testing including a complete calibration laboratory, and offers on-site assistance.

The people at Aero-Tech are committed to helping large and small companies develop a quality product, and to meeting your specialized needs. From the laboratory chemist in R&D, to the maintenance engineer, Aero-Tech can help you achieve a safer and more efficient working environment.

Services Offered by Aero-Tech Lab

Aero-Tech has production capabilities for large job runs and we are familiar with aerosol manufacturing and development. In addition, Aero-Tech provides engineered and designed prototypes for R&D and special applications.

In our testing and calibration laboratory we provide calibration of test gauges within 24-hours. We can make diaphragm seal assemblies to protect pressure gauges. Aero-Tech provides certified test reports, traceable to N.I.S.T.

Aero-Tech provides aerosol can crimping and decrimping, aerosol bottle crimping, aerosol can deseaming and vacuum can crimping. Get samples of your product circulated without the cost of setting up a facility.

Aero-Tech will come to you! Let us provide inspection of your proposed site, the planning and preparation of necessary equipment and installation. Aero-Tech representatives will also train your staff in an equipment operations seminar.